Every teacher dreads those moments when they ask the class a question and not a single student raises their hand. Have you done a bad job of teaching the material? Are they uncertain, bored, or sleeping in their seats? In truth, the more likely answer is that they are simply too shy to raise their hands. The pressure to conform is a powerful motivating force that holds back even the smartest... ❯❯❯
If your job depends on it, you might need to learn a new software. It’s an inevitable process in today’s world. One of the only ways to compete in this fast-paced, hyper-digital landscape is to be up to speed on all the newest software and platforms. However, if you are not accustomed to a new platform or software, or if you come from a generation where cloud computing might as well be science... ❯❯❯
Energy efficiency. As more people become aware of how important it is to preserve the environment as well as its resources, that is a phrase that tends to come up pretty often in conversation. And in the efforts to be more energy efficient, we do things like turn out the lights when we leave a room, turn off the water while we’re brushing our teeth, use fluorescent light bulbs instead of standard... ❯❯❯
If you want to forgo CDs and records, move your music collection to the cloud and check out the latest and greatest through a streaming music service you’ll have no shortage of choices. Spotify and Mog have carved out a huge chunk of the market share, but they aren’t the only options that enjoy major fan support. Basically every company that offers some sort of entertainment hardware device is... ❯❯❯
While there is, as yet, no mobile application that can guarantee pregnancy, there are a few apps out there designed to help women understand their own bodily cycles as a way to increase the odds of pregnancy. Most are fairly basic, offering a standard calendar that allows for the input of important dates (the start of menses, the date of ovulation, and so on). But if you’re actively trying to get... ❯❯❯
Parents are always on the lookout for activities that are going to provide not only fun and entertainment for kids, but also some added value through educational aspects. And parents that are trying to do their part to create a cleaner, greener future for their kids may also seek out pursuits that give kids an understanding of the green movement and an appreciation for the world around them.... ❯❯❯
It’s hard to tell whether the prevalence of chronic pain issues in this day and age is related to an increase in injuries, illnesses, and diseases with lasting side effects or if it is simply more widely diagnosed than it was in decades past, but the rising number of reports has certainly resulted in greater awareness of chronic pain conditions, as well as new research associated with it and... ❯❯❯